Something has been troubling me lately. I don't watch much T.V., but I've noticed, particularly this week, amidst Earth Day, something troubling. Going green requires lots of green. In other words, in order to be Earth friendly you have to go out and buy this or that in order to accomplish it???? Is this the new wave of subliminal advertising? It is just too much. WAL*MART, honestly? Okay, I'm grateful for every little step, but come on, talk about capitalizing where ever you can. Last night I even heard Jay Leno talk about driving a hydrogen car for the week. Nice, yes. But, does it make up for the 50 other gas guzzlers that he owns?
We are a family tries do everything that we can to reduce our impact. My girlfriend has taken to calling me granola crunch girl... largely because I want to make these instead of continually throwing away over packaged chemical laden sanitary products!

With that said, we are far from perfect, so we have committed to making a few more changes. This summer we've decided to have one electricity free day a week. From now, until it gets cold again, Wednesdays will be electricity free with only the fridge as the exception. This means circuit breakers off so no cheating. And, second, no more plastic bags or toys. I've also been evaluating my water usage. I've wanted to cut down on showering everyday to every other day, but my body doesn't cooperate (TMI if I explain any farther). So, I've decided to cut my daily 10 minute shower down to 5 minutes, and no showers if I'm not going anywhere important that day.
I'll keep you updated, until then check out, to learn more about how much waste each of us actually makes in a lifetime. You can even calculate how much you actually use by putting your own numbers in.