Friday, May 2, 2008

30 Accomplishments in 30 Years

So, for those of you who know me, you know that today is my 30th Birthday.  I generally don't do birthdays well.  I'm not sure why, except it seems to make me reevaluate every choice I've ever made since, well, conception.  This year I've decided to take stock in the spirit of positivity. With that, here are 30 accomplishments in 30 years.  If anyone can think of any others don't be afraid to let me know....

1.  Learned to talk (and never stopped)
2. Learned to walk (not my favorite past time)
3. Graduated Kindergarten 
4. Survived Childhood
5. Survived teenage hood
6. Graduated high school a semester early
7. Got first Job
8. Moved out, and made it on my own
9. Learned to drive
10. Bought my first car
11. Got lots more Jobs 
12. Learned Sign Language
13. Came out 
14. Accepted into college
15. Maintained a high gpa
16. Got my Associates degree
17. Became a mother 
18. Parented 6 kids at once
19. Parented a newborn, a 7 month old, a 20 month old, a 3 year old, and a 4 year old all at once
20. Went to college full time while having 6 kids, most of the time with 4
21. Learned (learning) to be a great friend
22. Psychology research accepted and shown at a national conference 
23. Survived statistics, and chemistry
24. Got my Bachelors degree
25. Learned to make quilts
26. Relearned to knit
27. Accepted & enrolled into graduate school
28. Maintained a healthy relationship for 7 years
29. Learned (learning) to be a loving partner

30. Learned from most of my mistakes

Thanks to all of you who have helped me along the way.  Happy Birthday to us all, as I am sure the best is yet to come.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've learned that thirty tears of being a mother that I stll make mistakes even though I love my children with all my heart