- It is so fun. It makes all the mundane daily activities exciting, if you can believe it (think-going to the bathroom in the dark).
- Should we be using battery operated electronics? Alicia and I have been thinking about this. Especially with the computer. I argued that if I didn't charge it intentionally for lights out that it was okay (not sure if I agree with my own argument there).
- The boys want to trade the day because celebrity circus is on Wednesday nights. Should we change it, or is that part of the sacrifice?
- Yesterday we forgot until about 3:00 in the afternoon, so we decided to extend it into today until 3. What do you think we could do so that we wouldn't forget? Maybe turn the power off last thing the night before?
- I love the extra time we get to share as a family together because no T.V. I love this most because I'm not a T.V. person, much to the chagrin of everyone else. I vote for a no T.V. rule all the time, think I'll win?
- No lights, and now no candles, means an earlier bedtime. This one is a tough one for me because I have the worst insomnia ever. I laid there last night and listened to everyone sleep (fun in its own right) from about 915 until 2am. Which, is better than my normal 3am fall asleep time.
- Mostly, I miss being able to use my sewing machine. I wanted to finish a quilt top but couldn't because of the no electricity rule... Which makes me think, what is good and bad electricity usage?
- What I've learned most from this experience is to be aware of all of the other times I flip the switch, or turn something on. How much of what we use, do we really need, or, are we just using mindlessly? I think the impact on our mindless electricity usage will be what is effected most of all.
p.s. We ordered our envirocycle composter. It should take one to two weeks to get here, I can't wait.
I turned my air off when it got to be below 80 degrees. That, though, is apparently the extent of my SLL (spoiled little life).
But, I am willing to share this tip: handsewing! Oh, I could. Especially with wool and blanket stitch. I am not very good at it, but I could fill my days. And I can imagine hand piecing a quilt. Like handspinning, it is filled with girl power and ancestoral fortitude. A worthy endeavor, indeed.
If you lived where I live, you get lights out four times a day
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