A predictable new years post of course would include such things like resolutions, and contemplations- all of which I am incredibly good at. I can think of a few. This year especially, is great for contemplation. After all, isn't that what big break-ups, and major life changes are about?
Without digressing into my usual dismay at the amount of waste being produced through confetti, streamers, horn blowers, along with the sheer amount of electricity required to light that damn ball, and the thousands of kilowatt hours required to light every single thing in the country until well past midnight I will attempt to sum up the past and the future succinctly.
1. This year I turned 30, and didn't grow a single whisker!
2. All of my gardening work, blah. Now maybe I can uproot Stepford.
3. Freedom comes with a price, but it is worth paying.
4. Friendship and love change everything.
5. Spinning is seriously adulterous.
6. Anything important is worth the wait.
7. There really is power in saying it out loud.
8. Thank you.
1. More nachos
2. More dreams
3. More fighting
4. More standing
5. More loving
6. More faith
7. More knitting
8. More spinning
9. More belief
10. More eggs
And because I can't resist.......
Less waste, more recycling!!!