It took exactly 130 days for the county to pick me to mother my amazing children. But who is counting right? Now it is a new day. We are changed forevermore. Healing, loving, and becoming a family. Yay, for we are The Quinns
Thank you God
Thank you Monroe County DHHS
Thank you Denise
Thank you Marie
Thank you Mary
Thank you Sarah
Thank you Stacy
Thank you SPCC
Thank you Syed Children
Thank you Evelyn, Laura, & Irene
Thank you Tiffany & Adam, Dana, Mom, Catherine & John, Jeff & Brooke, Tyna
Thank you Village Yarn Knitters
Thank you Dreams
Fingers crossed, prayers praying for the long and bumpy road ahead (filled still will legal woes and impending visits, but in the end 100% sole custody).
Yay, Quinns! I love you all.
Even though I don't know the whole story, it sounds like you vent through a lot. I just wanted to say that I am extremely happy for you, and it was great to see you tonight
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