Yesterday, and today we had a beautiful snow. The light and fluffy kind that coats everything, and makes the whole world look like a beautiful post card. I decided to take pictures of it because it was so beautiful, and for Sonia. These pictures are the view looking down our street. We are very lucky to live on a beautiful tree lined street, as well as a picture of our home. The colors are slightly off because I took the pictures in the dark, but I love it still....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Snow Pictures
Yesterday, and today we had a beautiful snow. The light and fluffy kind that coats everything, and makes the whole world look like a beautiful post card. I decided to take pictures of it because it was so beautiful, and for Sonia. These pictures are the view looking down our street. We are very lucky to live on a beautiful tree lined street, as well as a picture of our home. The colors are slightly off because I took the pictures in the dark, but I love it still....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Arturo's EEG
Yesterday we took Arturo to get his EEG. For those of you who don't know, Luis, our oldest, was referred to get an EEG as a precautionary measure. When we went to get it done we all thought it was a waste of time, but it turns out that Luis is having 100's of silent seizures a day, that get worse when he sleeps. We're not sure what this means yet as we haven't seen the specialist. Because a lot of seizure disorders are hereditary we decided to get Arturo tested also.... Getting an EEG requires the person to stay up the night before so that they will fall asleep during the test. No problem for our 7 year old, but to keep a 4 year old up is torture!! Arturo handled it well, and for a little boy who doesn't like to be touched, he sure handled the procedure well too. I'll let you all know how the results turn out.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Homemade Yogurt
So, for the past week I have been torturing Alicia with my slightly obsessive dreams of homemade yogurt. Not the frozen kind, but real, from scratch yogurt. Well, yesterday my yogurt maker finally arrived!!! I spent a couple of hours preparing the milk mixture, and then it takes about 10 hours for it to set. The yogurt maker is essentially a low heat base with seven glass jars, and a lid. I stayed up to 1 am for it to finnish. Boy was it worth it!!! I just made plain, since that is what we mostly eat, but it was so creamy, I could have ate the whole batch. I restrained myself, and, instead, I made a big batch of lentil soup for lunch, and we had yogurt on top. It could be a coincidence, but it was the best lentil soup I have ever made!! Yum. Now I can torture Alicia with obsessive thoughts of different flavor combos! Don't they just look yummy?
I Lied
Friday, February 22, 2008
My Mathematical Interpretation

Okay, so for those of you who don't know; three things...
1. recently the appellate court ruled that same sex marriages performed outside of New York must be recognized just like heterosexual marriages already are.
2. this means: if Alicia and I went to Canada and got married, we would be recognized (only in New York, maybe Mass, and Vermont too, but I'm not certain) as married, giving us, of many things, the right to get spousal health insurance through work, just like every other married couple.... and
3. Maggie Brooks, our county executive, decided to appeal this decision stating that it would be too expensive for the county to bear.... (I've already read some articles that say the appeal alone will cost more than the cost of insuring county employee's but we'll over look that so I can give you all an impressive/not so impressive display of my math skills).
Well, knowing all that, I did some unprofessional/ slightly imperfect research and found that it costs the county about $5,982-$7,249 to insure the average employee. Okay, without knowing how much it cost exactly to insure those who are married compared to those who, lets say, have four kids like us, I'll take an average, so, for arguments sake... $6,616.
I looked up on the county budget to find out how many county employees there are and found that there are 4,525 authorized full-time positions (With part timers there are 5,293 but I'm not sure if they get benefits so we'll go with the 4,525 number for this experiment).
The easy to read breakdown
I found that, in New York, only about 50% of people are married = 2,262 married employees
10% (high estimate) of the population has identified as homosexual = 226 committed homosexual couples (all of which would have to go get married).
How much it would cost a year to insure same-sex couples= $1,496,539
How much it already cost to insure heterosexual couples =$14,965,392
One Reason I Love Having Kids
Today while in the car I was lucky to be able to eavesdrop on a couple of conversations between Arturo and Aaliyah... they went a little something like this....
Convo #1
Aaliyah to Arturo: "We go boat?" translation: Are we going to go vote?
Arturo to Aaliyah: "No, we only vote in the rain." translation: every time we've gone to vote, in recent memory it has, indeed, rained.
Aaliyah to self: "we go ride please?....yes" translation: this is Aaliyahs recap of her asking Alicia if we were going to go ride on the carousel, however Aaliyah added the please, and yes part. My guess...she amended the conversation to her liking.
We were actually going to pick the volkswagen up from the shop...not very exciting, but they did get to go sledding afterwards, we didn't take any pictures but here is one from the other day when just Aaliyah was around.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My First Socks
Dress From Grandma
Friday, February 15, 2008
Aren't They Cute?
Monday, February 11, 2008
William's Finished Quilt
Well, I was able to finish Williams Quilt on time! I worked all night last Sunday night, then as soon as I came home on Monday I worked until it was finished. It was a good thing because he was able to leave the hospital shortly after that!!! He is home and doing well for all of you who are interested.....
This is the front view.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Quilt for William
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Alicia's Socks...

What this meant for me...
I made 10, yes 10 quilts. One for each member of my family, and my bestest friend Tiffany (still in progress...)
What this meant for Alicia....
a. About 20 hours of straight quilt basting.... You go girl!
b. Countless hours of putting up with me in panic mode
c. Not one homemade gift....
d. All of the above
Drum roll please..... yes, the right answer is D. Surprise right?
Well, now, out of love, and yes, a wee bit of guilt, I am embarking on a journey to knit her, quite possibly the most complicated socks I have ever seen. So all of you out in Cyberspace wish me luck!! I'll let you know how it goes...
About Me
Hi Everyone!!
I thought I would start out by introducing myself. I'm Channyn, pronounced the same as Shannon, and I live in Rochester, NY. I'm about to turn the big 30 in just a couple of months. I normally have an existential crisis when my birthday comes around, so I am guessing this year will be no different. Hopefully it won't be much worse :{
Anyway, I live with my girlfriend of seven years, our four kids, a cute dog, and one pesky, but lovable, cat. (Yes, we are lesbians if your wondering).
We are in the process of adopting our kids, which is a very long arduous process, to say the least!
Of course that is a picture of everyone, their names (in order of appearance) are Luis-7, Jonathan-almost 6, Alicia with Aaliyah- 2, and Arturo-4. They are all great, and have all become the loves of my life. More about them later....
Anyway, if your interested, I plan on blogging about my kids (of course), the adoption process, knitting & yarn, quilting, and just about life in general. Welcome, and hopefully it will be a long, fun, and, yes at times, strange trip...........
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