Saturday, February 2, 2008

About Me

Hi Everyone!!  
I thought I would start out by introducing myself.  I'm Channyn, pronounced the same as Shannon, and I live in Rochester, NY.  I'm about to turn the big 30 in just a couple of months.  I normally have an existential crisis when my birthday comes around, so I am guessing this year will be no different.  Hopefully it won't be much worse :{
Anyway, I live with my girlfriend of seven years, our four kids, a cute dog, and one pesky, but lovable, cat.  (Yes, we are lesbians if your wondering).  
We are in the process of adopting our kids, which is a very long arduous process, to say the least!
Of course that is a picture of everyone, their names (in order of appearance) are Luis-7, Jonathan-almost 6, Alicia with Aaliyah- 2, and Arturo-4.  They are all great, and have all become the loves of my life.  More about them later....

Anyway, if your interested, I plan on blogging about my kids (of course), the adoption process, knitting & yarn, quilting, and just about life in general.  Welcome, and hopefully it will be a long, fun, and, yes at times, strange trip...........

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