What this meant for me...
I made 10, yes 10 quilts. One for each member of my family, and my bestest friend Tiffany (still in progress...)
What this meant for Alicia....
a. About 20 hours of straight quilt basting.... You go girl!
b. Countless hours of putting up with me in panic mode
c. Not one homemade gift....
d. All of the above
Drum roll please..... yes, the right answer is D. Surprise right?
Well, now, out of love, and yes, a wee bit of guilt, I am embarking on a journey to knit her, quite possibly the most complicated socks I have ever seen. So all of you out in Cyberspace wish me luck!! I'll let you know how it goes...
when are we going to see or here more on you and your
Wow, that's quite the ambisious sock pattern you have chosen. Good Luck, and I hope you post the results!
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