Friday, February 22, 2008

One Reason I Love Having Kids

Today while in the car I was lucky to be able to eavesdrop on a couple of conversations between Arturo and Aaliyah... they went a little something like this....

Convo #1
Aaliyah to Arturo: "We go boat?"  translation: Are we going to go vote?
Arturo to Aaliyah: "No, we only vote in the rain."  translation: every time we've gone to vote, in recent memory it has, indeed, rained.  

Aaliyah to self: "we go ride  please?....yes"  translation:  this is Aaliyahs recap of her asking Alicia if we were going to go ride on the carousel, however Aaliyah added the please, and yes part.  My guess...she amended the conversation to her liking.

We were actually going to pick the volkswagen up from the shop...not very exciting, but they did get to go sledding afterwards, we didn't take any pictures but here is one from the other day when just Aaliyah was around.

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