Sunday, June 15, 2008

And I’ve Loved

I’ve been a Mother
to newborn crack addicts,
and survivors.
And I’ve loved.
I’ve been a Mother
to punch throwers,
back talkers,
promiscuous young girls
on flights of fancy
who have incurred
the fury
of teachers,
police, and
And I’ve loved.
As the crack addicts,
punch throwers,
back talkers,
and promiscuous young girls
grow into
members of society
that sometimes want
to talk back
and throw a punch
or two,
I love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and as life goes on there is no blueprint on how to be a good mother, and no blueprint child when learn as we go we make our mistakes and hope to learn from them, we hope that all is forgiven or forgotten for the better times. we love them hug them kiss them and try as we might still make mistakes.